Looks like the L293 is an L298 with the clamping diodes built in. It means less soldering which is always a good thing in my book and it's cheaper, as well. Spent part of the day going the arduino language, which is pretty cool. I'm looking forward to playing around a bit the MCU after it's delivered on wednesday. I have been working on the design of the body modicication on the dozer, but will have to wait till I decide on the bumper design and placement of the sharp sensors. I found an old mouse in the closet and it's has the old style encoder wheels, so that task is taken care of. I did look at what it takes to build an ardiuno board from scratch, just an idea when I get some things worked out and want to make it permanent and can probably do it under $20 plus the PCB. Small bit of interest, the lists below are all balanced, each one has 5 items.
Yes, I know I'm probably the only one reading my blog, and it's ok. I will know where I've been and how I got to where I'm going to.
Decisions made and Money Spent
Body with tracked drive & extras (free)
AtMega 328 Adriano based MCU $30 (August)
Nine volt clip $3 (August)
Encoders for the drive wheels (free)
Rechargeable AA batteries (free)
Decisions made and probable budget
1/4" thick pine for the bod mods $10 (Home Depot)
Bumper switches $20 (frys, radio shack, etc)
H-Bridge for the motors $2 to $10 (various)
Sharp Sensors (5 probably) Need to find out
Rechargeable 9 volt batteries (2 at least) Need to find out
Wish List
Triple axis accelorometer
Digital Compass
GPS Module
Better bot programming skills
Bigger Budget!!!
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