The L293D does weird things if you have both Enable pins high and nothing connected to the one of the Half H-bridge. Got all the wires connected in the right spots and low and behold, it works even the PWM is going well. That means that I get to take from the solderless breadboard to the permanent breadboard. I'm going to add a few filtering caps first though on the 7805, batteries and wires pick up lots of RF and especially from the cheap DC motors that make up the muscle part of Leo's drive unit. The next step will be to work on his bumper switches and then work on encoding the front idlers with hall effect sensors and rare earth magnets.
Progress Report:
- Body Modifications 33% (still have the shell and to remount the shovel to make it a neck)
- Drive Train 75% (Motors mounted, L293D working just needs to be finished)
- Sensors 0% (2 IR receivers and 8 IR LEDs bought, 3 switches that need mounted, etc)
- Circuits built 10%(L293D x2, 38MHz IR circuit, bumper circuit, etc.)
- Programing 1% (motor test program works)
What needs to be bought:
- 4 hall effect sensors $8
- 4 0.25" rare earth magnets $10
- Sonar Sensor $25
- PIR sensor $10
- 4 new motors $12
- 1 servo <$10
- 2 potentiometers <$5
- Accelerometer $20
- 2 ardiuno chips $14
Total = $110 +/- $3 plus $20 in S&H
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