Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Spending time researching

If you haven't read

If you have built a few robots, you know the frustration of wanting it to be able to do different things, but don't have the knowledge to do it. This book goes into the decision making, types of behaviors and  combing simple behaviors to make complex ones. Overall, it's a good informative read that would not put you to sleep.

In a few days, I'll be able to finish up the motor board. One of the reasons I'm not going to put a the stepper portion in is, because if I do that there isn't any room for the nap function or any of the error codes, function codes. I could crank things down a bit more than I have, but still would run into a memory problem. I could go with an ATmega 168, but that would be proc overkill. It'd give me all the PWMs, Analong pins and digital I/O I'd need to do it all from that chip, but not viable unless I can find a cheaper source for them.

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