Thursday, August 20, 2009

I found the brain!! and I didn't drop it!

I didn't say I found my brain, that's still not found, probably next to my common sense too. Ah well on to the bot!

So far have a body with a tracked drive and motors, an excellent start. It's MCU is on the way. I ordered an assembled AtMega 328 and a battery cable. This is the best choice I've come across, it's pre-assembled, can communicate via USB cable, has 14k available memory, built in PWM, and has quite a bit of I/O and it's open source. I spent $40 and got ahead by three weeks on build time, win-win situation on budget and time.

So far, I have a body for Leo and his brain is on the way. Need to get a cheap mouse for his encoders and pick up some light weight wood for bumper material and body mods, along with some bumper switches(reed or such). I have been toying with different thoughts on the bumper switches, do I use reed type, momentary push button or something else? A few thoughts on the body modification, need to protect the tracks without encumbering them when the bumpers are hit, need enough enclosure to fit the AtMega 328 Adriano, an H-Bridge, batteries and maybe a cooling system(ie small cpu fan or such, I think ice would be bad there), and whatever internal sensors(triple axis accelorometer, digital compass, battery monitors and some sort of communications I can dream can't I?). Yes, I've been browsing the bot pages and want lots of things to put in Leo, but need to take baby steps so that it's all done right and not buggy.

Decisions made and Money Spent
  1. Body with tracked drive & extras $30 (already had it, so really free)
  2. AtMega 328 Adriano based MCU $30 (August)
  3. Nine volt clip $3 (August)

Decisions made and probable budget

  1. Encoders for the drive wheels $5 (cheap mouse from frys)
  2. 1/4" thick pine for the bod mods $10 (Home Depot)
  3. Bumper switches $20 (frys, radio shack, etc)
  4. H-Bridge for the motors $2 to $10 (various)
  5. Sharp Sensors (5 probably) Need to find out
  6. Rechargeable 9 volt batteries (2 at least) Need to find out
  7. Rechargeable AA batteries (8) Already have

Wish List

  1. Triple axis accelorometer
  2. Digital Compass
  3. GPS Module
  4. Better bot programming skills
  5. Bigger Budget!!!

Hopefully, this has been at the very least entertaining, if not a bit informative.

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