Monday, September 28, 2009


Well took the stuff off of the solderless breadboard and put on the drive board. Somehow fried the 7805 regulator, not sure about the L293D chip yet. I need to make an independent power supply for times like this, preferably switchable from 5v to 3.3 for electronics and maybe even 12v for motors. Just a bit frustrated, can't find my solder wick and thinking I've tossed it, because it was in a bin outside that got rained in and everything in it was ruined and smelled funky.

The plan was to supply 7.2 volts to the 7805 to drop it down to 5v so as to not over voltage the motors, yes would have a prob with some heat. Keeping a steady amount of voltage to the motors would have been worth it. Now have to switch to something else I think to at least get it going. May use 4 AA cells to supply 4.8v to the motors till I figure out what smoked the 7805. Just called radio shack and they don't have any desoldering wick, major bummer. Was hoping to take Leo to the RBNO at the Generator tomorrow in working order. Time to grab a wet paper towel and desolder the hard way. At least enough to get my 4 AA holder back and the bad reg out of the board. If the reg was totally blown and not shorted, I'd just bypass it with jumpers, but it's in circuit and I don't want to blow the L293D.

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